Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seorang bakal pengantin tumbuk muke mak die sampai koma?
Korang rase kenape?
Alasan kat paper cakap sebab mak die lambat buat persiapan and then ade pertelingkahan pastu die tumbuk muke mak die sampai koma!
Ish..anak die ni peninju Sukan Olimpik ke, sampai koma mak die
Kalau korang yang nak jadi bakal isteri dieorang tak rase cuak ke? Nanti korang lambat masak nasi kene pelempang sampai kene pakai gigi palsu! Padan muke!

Yang die pergi tampar mak die kenape ek?
Itukan mak die, tak rase something wrong ke buat mak mcm tuh.
Bukan nak tolong mak kemas rumah, bagi penumbuk adelah
Kesian mak die, lihatlah dunia
Kenduri still on ke tidak nih???

Nt abang cafe lambat goreng Nasi Goreng KG. aku siap die, aku penyepak sampai masuk dalam kuali! lg syok (^_^)

p/s jangan jadi anak derhaka!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Angelina Jolie



(^_^) Dahi luas howt!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Please be prepared for the presentation
jangan dah setengah jam nak present baru nak susun ayat
Tengah2 present jangan nak tersasul plak

Jangan kacau orang tengah hangin
nanti akibatnyer diri sendiri yang hangin
orang yang tak bersalah pon jadi mangse

Jangn berjanji kalau tak boleh tepati
kesian mereka
hahah padan muke~

kalau ur kakak gedik call nak tanye resepi buat lempeng,
layan ajelah, she probably missing u

Makanlah selagi mampu <-----takde kene mengena hahah (^_^)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ini adalaha ice cream goreng
ya ampun sedap bangat
rase nak menapak jer kat depan stall convo fair tu
lepas 1 rase nak 2
habis duit
tapi mmg sedap
meleleh ayaq liuq aku tidoq
mimpi2 makan ice cream gorang convo fair (^_^)

sape nak belanje habaq mai!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

i miss the time when
i sleep like a baby
i miss jugak when
breakfast is ready to be eaten
hooo lerr~

sekarang dah tue, sedor lerr diri sket

Friday, October 8, 2010

Untuk dibaca oleh orang yang mengetahui darah mereka jenis ape sahaja... (^_^)

Blood type A

People with blood type A are usually serious, patient, and cool. They are also emphatic, certifiable, and believable although they are stubborn. Before they do something, they usually think first and plan it in detail. Indeed, they like harmony, peace and organization.

They do everything seriously and consistently, and make themselves appropriately. That is why, they will try not to hurt anyone with their words or speak unnecessarily. But, they can stand apart from other people. They also suppressed their feeling, so they look rigid although they still have weaknesses, such as nervous, scary, and many more. They lean to surround themselves with the same characteristic people.

Blood Type B

People with blood type B tend to be curious and interested in everything. They also lean to have many hobbies. If they are interested in something, they will be buoyant, but unfortunately they will be bored fast. However, they can choose the most important thing for them to do.

They lean to want to be number one in anything rather than just to be average people. But, they usually ignore another activity if they have focused on a certain activity. In other words, they cannot do some activities at the same time.

They look cheerful, enthusiastic, and bright. But, they are actually not like their appearances. Indeed, they are antisocial with many people. They are rugged individualists who are straightforward and like to do things their own way. Unluckily, their insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

Blood type O

People with blood type O usually have a big role in motivating the passion of their groups and stimulating the harmonious relationship among the group members. They look like people who accept and do something calmly.

They are smart to cover up their feelings, so they look like people who are always cheerful, peaceful, and do not have problem at all. But, if they cannot bear it, they will surely find out a place or someone to talk.

They are kind, often do kindness, and are not reluctant to get out of their money to other people. They are actually stubborn too and have their own opinions about anything in confidence, but they are also flexible and easily accept new things. No wonder that they lean to be influenced easily by other people. Look like people who are temperate and believable, but they also often make big mistakes because of their careless characteristic. However, their characteristics make them lovable.

Blood type AB

People with blood type AB have sensitive and soft feeling. They have profound interests with other people's feelings and always face other people with care and beware. However, they also tough with themselves and people close to them. Thus, they lean to have two personalities.

They are usually grudge people and think something too deep. Fortunately, they have a lot of friends, but they also need time to be lonely to think their own problems.


Cepat pg check darah sekarang, derma sekali lagi bagus (^_^)

Poksu darah O (^_^)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nama dalam i/c: Muhamad Firdaus bin Abdul Manaf @ Ismail.
Tapi kenapa poksu???

Dari zaman tadika lagi dah orang panggil ngan name Pok
Pok kerana....poksu anak bongsu dan ade anak saudara yang sebaya.
Dieorang kat sekolah panggil Pok, as tande respect untuk uncle dieorang tapi takkan nak panggil PakSu, over plak nt kan. So short form jadi Pok (^_^)
Kawan yang lain pon ikut serta~
Sampai sekolah rendah. Bile masuk sekolah menengah ingatkan dah dapat chance nak tukar name bagi glam sket, tuptup ade plak member 1 sekolah rendah. So legacy Pok diteruskan sampai pindah sekolah menengah lain pon orang still ikot panggil pok sebab semua buku ade "Pok".

Actually kat rumah pon, Poksu bahasekan diri sebagai Pok, kalau nak pakai 'adik' tu mcm gedik jer
Dengan mak pok kadang2 gune Pok jgak. Tak best kan???

Hal kat U lain plak, mane terlekat "Poksu" pon taktau
Antara pioneer rasenye Lyana Hamka kot, pastu geng Methana V6.
Maybe dieorng dapat kat FS dulu2.
Tambahan Firdaus ramai sangat kan~

Sekarang, Poksu tak introduce sebangai Poksu
For the first time, biarlah dieorang tahu yg name Poksu ialah Firdaus (^_^)
Later, as time goes by nak panggil poksu pon takpe.

F I R D A U S -----> D A U S -----> P O K S U